
I receive several emails and messages daily with personal requests for advice concerning both managing children as well as the well-being of the parent themselves. I read and reply to as many as I can with thoughtful and detailed advice.

However, more often than not, the situations explained require me to dig deeper for more information to truly be able to tackle the situation and provide a more accurate guidance. To contribute with sound advice, this needs one-on-one dialogue.

Many have reached out to me wanting to learn more information about positive discipline methods, the application of positive discipline in specific situations with their child or simply sign-up for parent coaching.

Being a mom is challenging enough so I completely understand that sometimes planning logistics or even just time out of the house without your child may be difficult to achieve in order to sign-up for a consultation or coaching session.

All of that said, I have decided to open up my phone consultation and coaching sessions to my online readers. This will allow me to provide you with the maximum detailed, tailored and in-depth guidance to your specific situation. Sessions run for 40-45 mins and if you would like to inquire further about prices please don’t hesitate to email me (provided below).

If you would like to make an appointment for a private phone consultation, sign-up for online parent coaching or parent education sessions please email me at, include the subject title ‘consultation’ and fill out the following template.

Parent’s Name (mother and father):

Child’s Name:

Child’s nursery/ school:

Child’s DOB:

Phone Number:


  • Try to provide me with a general background of why you are concerned, what has brought up this concern and why have you decided to seek help.
  • Provide me a detailed situation of the last time you encountered your concern.
  • Describe how do you usually act or react when faced with your situation of concern.

Days and times available: Please provide 3 choices to choose from

How did you hear about us:

After I receive your email inquiry, you will receive a response within 48hours with an appointment day and time. Payment must be made 24 hours in advance via bank transfer, cash delivery or Paypal and confirmed by receipt.

Looking forward to speaking with you,

